Now St. Vincent and Cara Delevingne are dating! What are their connections?
St. Vincent was born September 28th, 1982, making her a Libra Dog, 9 of Hearts, 5 of Diamonds. The five of diamonds makes St. Vincent love variety, and love traveling, which is a perfect match for a musician’s lifestyle. The 9 of hearts makes her have struggles in love, and be somewhat fixed in her views. Changes can be hard for her. Every year she switches between the saturn saturn position and the venus venus position in the life spread. This can bring a life of many ups and downs. The 5 of diamonds first karma card is the 9 of diamonds, and the second karma card is the 3 of clubs. This makes it hard for 5 of diamonds to hold onto money, and because they like variety so much, they can be mighty disappointed when that variety doesn’t lead to a steady amount of money in their lives. As St. Vincent’s second karma card is the 3 of clubs, she will be gifted with writing, creative, and able to translate any angst into words, useful for a songwriter.
Cara Delevingne was born 12 August 1992, making her a Leo Monkey, and an Ace of Diamonds. She’s a model and actress and singer. She’s more known for being a model than an actress, but she’s working to be seen as more than just a pretty face.
Because Cara Delevingne is a Leo, she only has one card. The Ace of Diamonds represents the desire for money, and Cara definitely showed she wanted that when she dropped out of school to become a model. Her first karma card is the 2 of diamonds, showing that it’s difficult for her to work in partnership with others, especially when money is involved. Her second karma card is the Ace of hearts, giving her emotional freedom, loving herself and being comfortable alone. Aces tend to like to be alone, and so it’s a hard card to be in a relationship.
But lucky for St. Vincent, she is Cara Delevingne’s neptune card. That means she’s Cara’s dream woman. I can predict that Cara may soon feel criticized by St. Vincent because St. Vincent is also Cara’s Saturn card. She’s naturally superior to Cara and it will be hard for Cara to take her words objectively, unless she sees St. Vincent as a teacher. If Cara wants to nurture her music career, then being with St. Vincent, seeing her as a teacher, will be a good step for her. St. Vincent can teach her a lot.