What just happened?
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp got married in February 2015. Now, 15 months later, they’re filing for divorce because Johnny Depp was physically abusive to Amber Heard. She has photographs to prove it.

She filed for divorce on Monday and filed a restraining order against him for physical abuse
She told the court that he had been physically abusive throughout their entire relationship, that he had a very short fuse, and that she had enough of the abuse.
“During the entirety of our relationship, Johnny Depp has been verbally and physically abusive to me,” Heard states in a sworn declaration. “He has a short fuse. He is often paranoid and his temper is exceptionally scary for me.”
Depp’s camp claims that she just wants his money and that her allegations are false. But of course, they’re getting paid to say that. And with her photographic proof, most likely her divorce will be granted.
We reported on Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s relationship earlier– when they first got together. And we also reported on Amber Heard leaving Johnny Depp and going back to Tasya Van Rees.
In the destiny cards, why would Johnny Depp abuse Amber Heard? (Aside from being a complete dick.)
Amber Heard is a Queen of clubs, 5 of clubs Taurus Tiger, born April 22nd, 1986.
Johnny Depp is an Eight of diamonds, King of Spades Gemini Cat, born June 9th, 1963.
Amber Heard is a strong person, as a Queen and a Tiger. Johnny Depp, however, has a PRC as the most powerful card in the deck, the King of Spades. He’s also got the Eight of Diamonds, a money power card.
The King of Spades thinks he MADE the laws. Johnny Depp thinks laws don’t apply to him. You can see this when he got caught bringing his dogs into Australia without a permit, and was forced to make a video apologizing for bringing the dogs into Australia. That deeply humiliated him, and it was probably made because he was being difficult with the authorities. This of course made him even more angry.
Johnny Depp’s PRC, the King of Spades, and Amber Heard’s PRC, the 5 of clubs, is a saturn connection flowing from him to her. That means she is his Saturn card, which means Amber Heard will be critical of Johnny Depp. Then again, he will probably feel criticized by her even if she says, “The Sky is Blue today.”
When we choose a Saturn relationship, it means that we want to be better in our lives, and we want help to be better. We can see that Saturn person as a teacher, or we can see them as a burden in our lives. However, since he’s the King of Spades, and so much older, it’s unlikely that Johnny Depp would see Amber Heard as a teacher, and he’d see her more as a burden.
When they first got together, he was courting her by sending her a flower and a poem every day. It’s difficult to stand up to an onslaught of affection and attention that way, especially from a famous and rich actor.
She’s his Mars card, which means that he would be very attracted to her. When they did get together, they probably had a lot of really hot sex because of the Mars connection. That made them feel like they should try marriage. but you can’t have sex all the time, and that means that he would eventually just be angry with her all the time.
And it looks like that is what happened. He is physically abusive towards her, and has been for years, and she has decided to leave, which is very wise of her. She can’t control this energy because Mars and Saturn energy is flowing from him to her. It has nothing to do with what she does. It’s just the nature of the energy.
It’s unfortunate that they chose this relationship, but now she can learn not to give her power away. And hopefully, to take some time to heal.